L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Young Talents 2023
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Business Plan Competition in A-SUCCES Project
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Between 2019 and 2020, I was a member of the target group of the project "Developing the entrepreneurial skills of PhD students and postdoctoral fellowship - the key to career success (A-Succes)”, mySMIS 125125, based on the financing contract no. 51675 / 09.07.2019 (Project Manager Prof. Horia Iovu).
At the end of the project, following the Business Plans Competition, I was awarded with the 2nd prize (out of 35 participants) for the Business Plan entitled: "Wearable systems and IoT platforms for physical safety and security".

Techallenge 2019
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The project on the assistance system for people who need motor rehabilitation or who work in environments with a high risk of accidents presented in the Techallenge competition received the special prize Eliza Leonida Zamfirescu.

Cyber-Physical Systems Summer School (CPS2018)
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16-20th of July 2018, Toulouse, France
The poster presented at CPS2018 Summer School, “Cellular and Long Rang Wide Area Wireless
Technologies for the Internet of Things ”, was evaluated and awarded during the poster session.

IoT meets AI Summer School
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At the "IoT meets AI" Summer School, September 2-5, 2019, following the hackaton organized by
Siemens and Munich Technical University and the successful implementation of the challenge proposed by
coordinators (Using the SIMATIC open controller to control a robotic arm which gets the target
position by an AI component combined with a vision sensor), along with the team, I received the Best Challenge Implementation Award.