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I was involved in writing the winning proposal and, between 2018 and 2020, I was Technical-Scientific Respondent for SmartAgro Project: “Telemetry System for Smart Agriculture (SmartAgro)”, subsidiary contract no. 8592 / 08.05.2018 within the project “Ecosystem of research, innovation and development of ICT products and services for a company connected to the Internet of Things - NETIO”, contract no. 53 / 05.09.2016 (Project Manager UPB: Assoc. Prof. Ioana Marcu.
I was implied in all development and testing stages of the platform and, together with the team, we submitted a patent application for our SmartAgro solution.
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Between 2018 and 2020 I participated as a Research Assistant in MultiMonD2 Project, “Platform of multi-agent intelligent systems for water quality monitoring on the Romanian sector of the Danube and Danube Delta”, contract no. 33PCCDI / 2018 (UPB project manager Prof. Octavian Fratu). I had the opportunity to develop and test communication solutions based on LoRa communication technology. Further, in 2021, out of the scope of the project, I proposed and implemented a testbed employing UAV, USV and WSN to analyze the performances of LoRa communication in a hybrid UAV-USV-WSN network.